Thursday, November 15, 2007

Holiday Buyer's Guide: Wii

Hey! Christmas and Hanukah (Jewmas) are coming up soon and you need to know what to spend money on!

Nintendo's little white Wii has been quite popular since its release last Fall and is still hard to find in stores. If you already own one, you'll be happy to know that the game drought is over and you can happily play with your Wii once again.

Super Mario Galaxy
If you need any reason to own a Wii, the latest Mario installment is it. Super Mario Galaxy has received amazing reviews across the board and is sure to be a Game of the Year nominee. If you can only get one Wii game this Holiday season, Mario is your man.

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Probably the first FPS on the Wii to feature competent controls, Samus's latest adventure doesn't disappoint. If you are looking for a good game to complement your Wii, look no further than Metroid Prime 3.

Resident Evil 4
Well, sure, it already came out for the Gamecube and PS2, but Resident Evil 4 is a great game none the less and shouldn't be missed. If you like being scared out of your wits, RE4 will make you happy. Plus, the Wiimote works great for killing zombies (or w/e the hell they are).

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
If you missed out on Twlight Princess when it launched with the Wii, now is your chance to play what some reviewers say is the best Zelda game yet.

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